@article{oai:sapporo-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004755, author = {工藤, 利彦 and クドウ, トシヒコ and Kudo, Toshihiko}, journal = {札幌大学女子短期大学部紀要<サッポロ ダイガク ジョシ タンキ ダイガクブ キヨウ>. -- (AN00074536)1号 (昭58.2)-, = 通巻21号 (昭58.2)-. -- 札幌 : 札幌大学, 1983.2- 注記: "Sapporo University Women's Junior College journal"のタイトル の種類変更: 裏表紙タイトル(-32・33合併号 (平10.11))→並列タイトル(No . 34 (1999.9)-) ; 表紙の責任表示"札幌大学"は32・33合併号 (平10.11)ま で ; 奥付に表示の編集者: 札幌大学女子短期大学部紀要委員 (-32・33合併 号 (平10.11)) ; 大きさ変更: 26cm (-32・33合併号 (平10.11))→21cm (No . 34 (1999.9)-) ; 出版者: 札幌大学女子短期大学部 (- ) ISSN: 02888211 別タイトル: Sapporo University Women's Junior College journal 継続前誌: 札幌大学教養部女子短期大学部紀要. [B]}, month = {Mar}, note = {P, Life history and morphological development of Polysiphonia senticulosa Harvey (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) were investigated by culture experiment. Morphological stability and plasticity were assessed in several features. The following features are confirmed as morphological stability of this species. (1) Thallus is composed of slender upright axes, and intricately entangled prostrate axes. (2) Thallus produces adventitious branches on the lowermost portion of the main axis. (3) Thallus is ecorticated with four periaxial cells. (4) Rhizoids are formed without septation. (5) Thallus is soft and flaccid in texture. (6) Determinate branches have sharply pointed apices. (7) One to three axillary branchlets are formed. (8) Tetrasporangia are formed in a straight line, on the last two orders of ordinary branchlets and on axillary branchlets. (9) Carpogonial branch is composed of four cells. (10) Cystocarps are urceolate in shape. (11) Spermatangial branchlets are formed replacing the whole trichoblasts and their shape is terete to cylindrical with sterile tips. These features are appropriate for the taxonomic criteria in P. senticulosa.}, pages = {51--74}, title = {Culture Study of the Red Alga Polysiphonia senticulosa Harvey (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta)}, volume = {35}, year = {2000} }