@article{oai:sapporo-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002184, author = {ハラダ, アキノブ and HARADA, AKINOBU}, issue = {2}, journal = {経済と経営}, month = {Sep}, note = {P, Modern inductive sciences, e.g., mathematical theory of probability, statistics and economics, are now in the face of a lack of reality. This paper argues the logical problem on a variety of petitio principii arisen from a ceteris paribus clause available to usual inference. The problem concretely is that on the validity of a ceteris paribus clause to confirmation of hypothesis from the point of view of epistemology, not from that of mathematics. First, we tentatively define conditional probability-relation and argument-condition probability to solve the problem. Secondly, we specify the logical form of a ceteris paribus clause in inductive argument for confirmation of hypothesis. Logical analysis on the validity of a ceteris paribus clause to inductive argument for confirmation of hypothesis is put into practice from the point of view of epistemology as the result. In conclusion, trap of a ceteris paribus clause in inductive argument for confirmation of hypothesis is clarified for the construction of new fundamental theory of confirmation of hypothesis.}, pages = {235--244}, title = {Trap of a Ceteris Paribus Clause in Inductive Argument : An Essay on Theory of Confirmation (No.1)}, volume = {30}, year = {1999} }