@article{oai:sapporo-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001724, author = {林原, 正之 and ハヤシバラ, マサユキ and Hayashibara, Masayuki}, issue = {3}, journal = {経済と経営}, month = {Jan}, note = {P, In a simplified case, criteria for optimum tariff (subsidy) by Brander and Spencer and by Jones are equivalent to each other and the Metzler paradox cannot occur. In a more general case with general equilibrium income effects of tariff, a necessary condition for the Metzler paradox is that importables must be strongly inferior and/or the tariff can reduce extremely the slope of the demand curve. So we may safely rule it out under the normal goods assumption.}, pages = {505--513}, title = {A Note on the Condition for Optimum Tariff and Subsidy}, volume = {21}, year = {1991} }